Daybreak Farmers Market

Waitlist applications are open for all categories. Preference will be given to Farmers/Ranchers/Food Producers

Welcome to your happy place! Rain or shine, with 60 booth spaces each week you’ll find locally grown produce, delicious food, amazing hand-crafted artisanal creations, beautiful artwork, handmade jewelry, and more. The Daybreak Farmers Market is passionate about supporting small & micro businesses, and loves to provide this opportunity for vendors to find success. Enjoy local musical talent, and a vibrant marketplace each week at the Daybreak Farmers Market!

Applications for the WAITLIST will be open through the season. Applying for the Waitlist does NOT guarantee participation in the Daybreak Farmers Market.

The vision of the Daybreak Farmers Market (DFM) is to be a place where the Daybreak, and surrounding communities have direct access to local and sustainable seasonal, food, contributing to healthy living; where local farmers, ranchers and artisans are stimulated and nurtured; where local food packers and producers can thrive and expand. We are supporting our community and helping stimulate the local economy by investing in our vendors, volunteers and employees, offering marketing support to our vendors, and offering artisan quality products. 

Participation in the Daybreak Farmers Market means you accept and agree to being part of a community of entrepreneurs who have each other’s best interest in mind, and agree to partner with all vendors in creating a fun, friendly, No Trace Left Behind event. By submitting your application, you agree to support and adhere to all market rules and regulations. Checking the box for TERMS AND CONDITIONS on the application is considered agreeing to the Policy and Procedures. Be sure to read the Daybreak Farmers Market Policy and Procedures Vendor Handbook (link posted below), as we will refer to it often.

As Market Directors we appreciate our vendors, and work hard to make the market as inviting for our them as it is for our customers.

Non-Refundable Application fee:

General (Artisan, Craft, Body Products, Food, etc): $30

Farmers/Ranchers/Produce $5

Youth vendors (regular season) $10

Booth fees (based on booth location):

Standard: $40 per Saturday (10% discount for full-season vendors)

Upgrade: $50 per Saturday (10% discount for full-season vendors)

Premium: $60 per Saturday (10% discount for full-season vendors)

Farmers/Ranchers/Produce Booth fee:

$20 per Saturday

$265 season/single booth

$530 season/double booth

Youth Vendor (regular Market):



$30 per Saturday after June 8th.

We will post here when we have the Youth Entrepreneur Saturday dates.

$5 per youth booth + $5 application fee. Visit our Youth Entrepreneur Days page for more information.

As a market, we ONLY provide the space for vendors to use. Everything the vendor needs for their set-up, must be brought in by the vendor.


the ONLY exception is for PROFESSIONALLY branded canopies, which must be PRE-APPROVED before coming to the market.

Food vendors: We are unable to accept food TRUCKS. If you have a food TRAILER you may apply.

Businesses must meet the Daybreak Farmers Market’s criteria of selling handmade/upcycled/artisanal types of goods. Please contact the Market Director directly at if you have questions as to if your business meets the criteria.

We do not accept MLMs, Direct Marketing, or mass-produced items. We do not accept service-based businesses.

Before applying to the Daybreak Farmers Market, thoroughly read the Daybreak Farmers Market Policy and Procedures Vendor Manual and Contract.

The APPLICATION is at the END of the Daybreak Farmers Market Policies and Procedures Vendor Manual and Contract.